402 - 21 st Street East, Saskatoon, SK, CANADA S7K OC3

Tel: (306) 652-1272 - Fax: (306) 652-0990

November 08, 1997

To All National Broomball Participants
National Broomball Championships
March 1998
Regina, Saskatchewan

Dear Team Manager,

Following discussions with Mr. Al Duff, Chairperson, National Broomball Championships, Sinfonia Travel is pleased to offer our services and sponshorship in support of the National Junior and Senior Broomball Championships to be held in Regina, SK. in March of 1998. We offer the following services to support the event:

Ms. Bonita Rogalski, an active broomball player herself, will be the consultant assigned to handle team travel. Bonita has a wealth of sports travel experience and has handled the travel needs of many broomball teams in the past.

In addition to the above, Sinfonia Travel is pleased to provide a special additional sponsorship which will be of direct benefit to the host National Committee. The more teams which use our services, the greater the benefit to the committee!

Your team managers need only call Bonita at 1 - 800 - 667 - 6961.

We look forward to being of service and providing financial support to this prestigious national event.

Yours very truly,
Bob Gibbs
Sales Manager, Saskatchewan

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